Tuesday, August 31, 2004

最近总是想很多不该想的事. 昨天shuyi在房间里忙着联系她的小学同学----她们今天一起去看小学老师 >_< 惹得我想起了我的母校,于是把能想得到的以前同学的名字一一写下来. 唉, 还是叹气! 一想起113中3年10班就心酸.

又是下雪,又是黑衣,又是"雪人",唱了几句,眼泪就掉下来的. 那几年的记忆,过去了就过去了,再也不会有,我不是后悔,只是怀念. 我要回到初中!!!!


Fang Fang on 5:37 pm


Fang Fang on 3:26 pm

Monday, August 30, 2004
China 2008

Don't say I'm crazy.I know it. With Bio practical exam on today, I still watched the closing ceremony of Athens Olympic Game last night.(after a hard 思想斗争) After all it only happens once every four years, and the most important thing was China was performing. Haha~ the small little girl was singing "茉莉花", out of tune! She must be frightened a lot in front of the audience from all over the world. en... can see from her face~ other things like... 黄豆豆did a dance, magnificent dance!!! I think i haven't seen him for years, and my friends besides me kept saying that he was Shuai~ (yes, he was handsome and i was really fascinated by his movement. By the way, for those who never heard of him----he is not a so called "fasionable" dancer, he does Chinese traditional dance!!!

中国太帅气了! 2-0-0-8!

haha~ everyone in my class was talking about 田亮. 他有什么好的呢?长的...是挺帅的,可是这样的人不是很多吗?我有点奇怪,不只我的classmates这样为他疯,学妹们也是,每天就盼着在电视里看到有他的比赛...我不懂!

嗯,昨天那个黄色笑话,看来没人看的懂,呵呵,也只有我这种不正经的人才会看的懂.Never mind, i'm going to explain to you all!

Fang Fang on 4:52 pm

Sunday, August 29, 2004
史上最含蓄的黄色笑话~ 经典!

一个月后,上帝把那个女的复活了,因为他觉得这几个月发生的事情实在太恶心了 。

(哈哈哈! 我看了三遍才看懂,证明我还不是功力高深的色浪.)

Fang Fang on 4:42 pm

Saturday, August 28, 2004

i feel so disappointed leh! My friend in China cannot access my blog~~~555555 :(

Really i have lost contact with a lot of them... sad~ 当然我知道结果会是这样的,早就预料到了! 可是真正来的时候我还是挺不爽的.为什么呢?现代社会!

我承认啦,有好多人我是根本就有意逃避的.刚刚在QQ上又收到SY的"加为好友"请求,我拒绝了.他骂吧,爱怎么骂就怎么骂吧,我就是拒绝了! 就是不想和他那种人有任何接触和联系! 说的自私一点,我就是不想降低自己的身份.其实很多人都这样想啦,只是嘴上不好意思说,因为会被挂上不好听的名称.算了,装什么!(其实我以前也是这些虚伪的人之一,只是感叹随着年龄的增长,自己会变得这么势力!)

又想起小学的经历,那时大人会对我说,不要这样下去了,总有一天你会后悔的,他会毁了你的一生的...名誉! 是啊,现在是很后悔,小时候不懂事. 可又怎么了???我还不是照样上了中学,恢复了正常的生活??? 实际上,这些年心中一直愧对于他,他对我的好,也只有我自己最清楚. 当我想起初二那几通电话时,冷酷的反应令我自己都觉得不可思议,更多的是自责: 我为什么会变成这样???


Fang Fang on 4:24 pm

Friday, August 27, 2004

如果每天都像今天一样就好了! 有吃有睡的.

Slacker----I had told so many pple that i was going for the Bio remedial lesson this morning...hurhur~ but i still overslept, as what i did usually. And... what was the most unexpected was that the school had an emergency exercise today. Soooo, Shuhui, Tianyi and came out with this idea to stroll through the canteen---- in order to 气她们, because we didn't wear sch uniform and no need to go to school! ~ haha, we were so evil. (Of course we didn't dare to do this lah, just joking.) THEN... i saw Peibei and Yushan unfortunately (although we tried to avoid the crowd) and...呵呵, you can guess what happened.


Fang Fang on 4:20 pm

Thursday, August 26, 2004
I'm such a stupid bird!

有的时候就是觉得自己是一只蠢鸟!他妈的!same thing happened to my physics practical exam.就是想不通怎么回事,结果等放下笔的那一刹那,突然恍然大悟!----有个屁用啊!都完了!

somebody accidentally dropped the mirror onto the floor during the practical exam.好惨哪!如果是我一定会因为受惊而fail the exam. :(

Fang Fang on 4:12 pm

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

今天上maths lesson的时候忽然觉得无聊就胡思乱想,想着想着不知为什么就想到了老人...或许是昨天读了卫斯里的<<再来一次>>吧.(说实话他那篇故事写的忒烂了!) 然后就想起了那部韩国电影<<回家>>,两篇故事联系一下,我忽然觉得很辛酸...尤其是想到那个朝鲜老婆婆,冒着大雨颤颤巍巍走了那么远山路给孙子买鸡肉,而任性娇惯的孙子却一下子推掉碗筷的时候......若我是那个老婆婆,该是什么感受.老了,身子不灵便了,脑子也糊涂了,仿佛全世界都遗弃了我,不肯关心我,真的,活着和死又有什么分别呢?活着只是等死罢了!一点也不错.辛辛苦苦地照顾孙子,却没人领情,连孙子都不肯接受我的爱.唉!年轻的时候有再高的热情,老了以后不也是一场空???






Fang Fang on 4:28 pm

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Tomorrow will be our last day studying in NY as a class... don't cry!

今天心情不好,不是因为chem practical.

她们对南洋...一点留恋都没有. 说到明天是最后一天,居然还兴奋得手舞足蹈!----因为这样就可以快点回家了,因为这样就可以快点上JC遇见男生了,最主要的,因为这样就可以快点摆脱南洋了----她们不喜欢南洋! 鄙视!


um... talking about something funny... hahaha~ i still want to laugh! This morning when i was rushing packing my bag at 7:15, i heard my roommate calling me outside the block. She asked me to throw her key to her from the balcony, so i did. In case the key would drop into the water draining way ( what is that called ah?), i dropped the key from where near to the wall. hehe~ guess what??? The key fell onto the edge of the window next to the one that was right below mine. Then i was like ..." oh no!!!" after two seconds, i gave out an louder " Oh, NO!!!" because i just realised that it was an empty room, NOBODY lives inside!!! BUT... 我聪明嘛!!!(谢谢!谢谢!) 哈哈, i threw another object there, trying to hit down the key. ummm... fortunately it was an unwanted book... coz this time it was the book that couldn't get down...although the key landed on the ground safely.

so, until now, the book was still there. May it rest in peace. Amen!

Fang Fang on 4:39 pm

Monday, August 23, 2004
prelim Chem practical exam

I only felt a bit of sadness... after i realised that my answers for Chem practical exam are all wrong. Well, i think i'm just becoming more and more cold-blooded... or i'm used to failure already, even in such important exams. 都他妈的是大便!

When i saw siqi crying after her EL oral exam, i pitied myself, for not feeling sad or guilty for getting slack in my study. What on earth has happened to you ?????---sooooo much different from what you were like in 113. Poor thing~

I miss Harbin a lot! I miss winter a lot! I miss the snow a lot! I miss the scene whereby he and I walking in the snow together, a lot!

Fang Fang on 4:13 pm

Sunday, August 22, 2004

昨天给家里打电话,爸爸正在看奥运。瞎扯了半天,扯到俄罗斯,我问他这是咋回事儿呢?他给了我一个相当经典的回答,嗯。。。令我回味无穷,回到房间还在笑呢… 他说:“社会制度不行呗,还说啥呀!”

Fang Fang on 4:51 pm


Fang Fang on 4:16 pm

Saturday, August 21, 2004

嗯...像天骄所说的那样,希望在田径比赛中,所有的奖牌都被美国拿走,这样中国就会保持住第二的位置! 哈哈哈哈! 日本嘛~ 不懂为什么这次比赛这么强! 不过分析起来她也没什么后劲,不用管她!

last night we made a big big colourful (but i think it's rather garish) SUN for Mrs. Ong. hehe~ she loves sun! we still remember that. Being teaching PRCs English for many years, i know she knows us the most. Teachers' Day is coming, we want to express our biggest thanks to her! ^_^

another thing, Tianyi was touched ( but i think she was terrified) by our sudden burst of Birthday Song in the absolute darkness yesterday, haha~~ in the music room, and she cried ! poor girl !

Fang Fang on 5:55 pm


刚刚被电视机旁的那堆人吵醒,赶快打开radio,原来是中国队赢了semi-final for table tennies.这又让我想起了佳薇...心里还是不好受.

当电视机旁只有nanyang PRCs的时候,我会说,看李佳薇和中国队员的比赛时我的心里感觉怪怪的,总有一种自相残杀的感觉,毕竟她的家人是中国人,她也只是和我们一样,十五六岁才来新加坡.也许唯一不同的是她入了新加坡籍,在新加坡的生活时间也比我们长很多. 可是报纸上的报道明明说她"常常想家"嘛, 我不明白她的想家究竟是一种怎样的心情~

佳薇并不像许多我身边的朋友那样小小年纪就被浸濡在新加坡的文化中,她也不像他们那样有家人的陪伴,归属的感觉. 她来新加坡只有8年, 可是她在生她的北京的日子有整整的15年啊! 15年里,纯正的母语伴她长大,我不知道当她在赛场上听到中国啦啦队齐声呐喊 "中国队,加油!" "中国队,坚持住!" 时心理是什么感受. 那不是熟悉的母语吗? 那不是她还在北京的家人的腔调吗? 可是尽管那么亲切,却不是为她而喊.



嗯,我也承认,相比中国,新加坡有许多更吸引我的东西. 可是我的家在中国,就这一点就足够了,足够让我拒绝在赛场上和家人自相残杀. 够了!

朋友刚才说,她希望李佳薇输给the Korean girl,因为她不想看到她和中国队员在一个赛场上争的你死我活.

Fang Fang on 5:15 pm

Friday, August 20, 2004
"抓贼! 抓贼! 偷井盖儿的贼!" ----雪村

ummm... we know who is the thief already... just you wait!!! We will take action when we have time.

Fang Fang on 5:28 pm


No wonder Jieqiong said it's a total disaster. Anyway, the oral exam has finished... Yet... i was not doing well, or perhaps that's the standard for students like ME should performed at. Sigh~

i woke up a bit late this morning, so i was not able to grab a cup of coffee as what i normally do every morning. 结果呢,呵呵,整个上午鼻涕眼泪满天飞,不断地打瞌睡. So sad! I really cannot survive without it anymore, at the same time i know it is harming my health.

ummmmm... today is Tianyi's birthday. She has just turned 17... haha!~ xiao mei mei! Shuyi and i chose a "双喜"
钥匙链according to Heyu's suggestion----"人, 不是大俗就是大雅!" and i know for Tianyi's this kind of person, "大俗" is the best choice. haha! Happy Birthday to Tianyi !!! :D

Fang Fang on 4:58 pm

Thursday, August 19, 2004

tomorrow is my turn! i'm feeling very bad now. 大便!

Fang Fang on 4:18 pm

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

嗯......因为你们从来没看过什么是真正的materilistic, or irresponsible!

today's incident, or rather incidents that hapened these a few days, have reminds me of the life in my junior high school...full of tears.也许正是那个烂的快要散了的班,给了我这么多...经历,或者更准确地说是苦痛.今天的我,呵呵,就是那个畸形的环境的产物.

在我的眼里,NANYANG是最棒的,无论如何无法和irresponsibility联系起来,if they define us in such a way, i would say, the teachers are breaking our hearts, at least some of us... like me.

Fang Fang on 4:15 pm

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

我听到学姐说的话,突然间恍然大悟. 她说,对我们来说,PRELIM是最重要的,既然你有自己的复习计划,干吗care那么多mock exams?这种为tests而复习的复习,只会搅乱你的复习计划,到头来还什么都记不住,比如...C-lit...

所以,今天中华文学的mock exam,我昨天晚上什么都没读~


Fang Fang on 5:37 pm

Monday, August 16, 2004

The Nanyang Talent Night was horrrrrible!!! It was a total waste of time to watch it, when i hadn't touched my C-lit book! poor thing, i think there were a lot of audience fell asleep during the concert.

and now~~~ we just came back from the MOE. 很不爽,我觉得prelim对我来说会是一场灾难. 不行,我不行...该怎么办呢.

Fang Fang on 4:15 pm

The Nanyang Talent Night was horrrrrible!!! It was a total waste of time to watch it, when i hadn't touched my C-lit book! poor thing, i think there were a lot of audience fell asleep during the concert.

and now~~~ we just came back from the MOE. 很不爽,我觉得prelim对我来说会是一场灾难. 不行,我不行...该怎么办呢.

Fang Fang on 4:15 pm

Sunday, August 15, 2004

11am, woke up

12am, had lunch, went to Coronation with Tianyi and grabbed whatever can be eaten

1:30pm, stuff ice-ream into my mouth together with shuyi ~ after that, mixed oliver oil, medicines, milo powder with the unfinished ice-eam and put it back to the freezer----in order to punish the evil theif that is hiding in the hostel! hahaha! feel so shuang!


Fang Fang on 4:17 pm

Saturday, August 14, 2004

哈! 哈! 哈!

























浙江温州话:“恩gi尼gi勒,尼似似东恩,fai次你难头盖,dei阿巴juo jia i次阿巴掰勒居都噶尼都勒得!”      























福建崇安话:“ging diu外就yua系遗dei了(今天我就站这儿了)内龚歪告几哈(你动动我试试看)恩niong图内会姐duai(别看你个子大)歪gi kie咧北跌罗夹俊hiou骂到内hiou窘(逼急了我直接拿块砖头拍你头上!)”      


Fang Fang on 9:04 pm

blood & flesh

i need sleep...and more sleep.

last night i watched the whole opening ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games ... from 1.45 until 5.00 o'clock this morning..urgh!!! tired!

some pple say it's a waste of time to just watch all the teams marching through the sport field. Initially, i also thought so. But when shuhui told me she wanted to watch the whole process, i responded that i was also going to watch, almost without any hesitation. i did question myself why i gave her that response... and later, i found out the answer.

我想,观看奥运会开幕式对我,或者是对我们来说已经成了一种习惯。四年一次,似乎是理所当然的一种责任。看什么? 五星红旗经过前台时的心灵的澎湃,热泪中的感动与自豪,和同饮一江水的骨肉亲情~~ 五星红旗是世界上最美的旗帜,围绕这这面旗帜拼搏的健儿也是最勇敢,最顽强,也是最质朴的灵魂~


Besides, one team that has impressed me the most was the team called "KOREA". No "38 degree boundary", no difference of "North" and "South", athletes from these two parts marched past through the sport field hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

while i was watching that, i exclaimed in my heart, " when will be the day when ' The People's Republic of China ' and ' Chinese Taipei ' matching into the sport field together like that, under the nation of ' China ' ??? " ...blood and flesh... how can pple easily forget???

I'm tired.

Fang Fang on 7:54 pm

Friday, August 13, 2004

现在我懂了,前辈们是生活在怎样的水深火热之中啊! ----房芳

我是她的roomate wor!!! harlow!!!---shuyi =)

继续...嗯~ 我懂了,以前还不觉得什么,可是现在,当距prelim还有两个礼拜的时候,我终于懂了!!!----这个世界有多么不公平...为什么scholars就一定要拿prelim results作为上JC的依据???也是现在,我突然想通了prelim exams和o-level exams的区别... 被人拿来开涮的一群...悲哀呀!

其实,也是教育部的战略吧,除了那么多钱吸引外来人才,又培养他们,要求总要高一些... 明白,都明白... 刚刚来的时候就明白,有的人抱怨新加坡不好----Singlish, Kiasuism and so on.用潘长江的话说就是“吃着碗里的,望着锅里的”... 混!!!!!!没有新加坡教育部的奖学金,你怎么来的???有钱?去新西兰!!!去赛车,去吸毒!在这边装什么横?

还有那些国内的,就是他妈的让人鄙视! 尤其是那帮老师! 算他妈的老几呀? 有事儿没事儿就会干涉学生,刚有一点热情就被一张张八婆嘴里喷出来的唾沫星子给浇灭了!----美其名曰为学生的前途着想,放P!!!!!!是学生在走路还是你们在走路???

Fang Fang on 5:00 pm

Thursday, August 12, 2004

哈哈,明天又是拜五了。i luv Fridae!

i recieved the message regarding the year-end matter. T-M-D!!!!!! moe will not allow us to go home until December!!! What's the point????王八蛋!!!

Germaine kept calling me Se Lang, but i'm not...我承认有一点点啦,一点点而已,真的只有一点点。现在已经快没了。呵呵!Ever since i came to nygh, 那些以前的坏脾气、坏缺点已经改的差不多了!(除了gossip,那个是顽症)i felt very proud when my mum told me that i had grown up~ ummmmmmmm...that was last December, when she shared with me all the difficulties and bitterness in the family , genuinely, both of us wept. That's the first time she cried in front of me.她说没想到你对家里的事情懂得这么多!从那以后,呵呵,态度就出现了变化。怎么说呢,现在以经没有了初中时对她的那种不屑一顾。虽然妈妈在大多数情况下还总是和我的意见不和,闹别扭,可是不管怎么吵,怎么生她的气,我还是爱她的!小时候不懂事,现在是对她表达爱的时候了!妈,永远最爱你!

Fang Fang on 5:25 pm

Wednesday, August 11, 2004
pple & 素陷儿包子~

wednesday again, Ms Lok Chi again~~~~ urghhhh!!!! cannot take shower be4 7:30 liao!!!!
i luv the feeling to be in school again, after so many days 无所事事! 呵呵! i luv Nanyang! although it has been always so tired to do these schoolwork.after all, like what heyu has said just now, there are so many PEOPLE in the school~ hehe!我觉得自己还是和初中时一样,有点疯疯癫癫,喜欢热闹.
不懂为什么最近总是想家,真没出息!大半年都过去了,非得从这时候开始想家. 嗯...或许是想姥姥做的素陷儿包子了~嘻嘻! 口水!~~~~~~~~~ :P

Fang Fang on 6:45 pm

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Can someone tell me how to create a nice compo within one hour?????? shit "secrets" SHIT "SECRETS"!!!!!!!
well~ accept the reality. you didnt pass your midyear EL exam, the subject that related most closely to your scholarship! life has to be carried on. you'll still have your JC to run. that's fate !!!!!!!
anyway, thank shuhui--never fail to urge me to finish my compos before lunches, or dinners. Really thank you 阿卉妹妹!and your yoghurt! luv u@! kKKkiiiSsshhHH!
suddenly i felt very sad.又是离别,又是眼泪。舍不得4/12,舍不得南洋。或许自己没想到是这样的结果。

Fang Fang on 4:15 pm


重新写日记,心里酸酸的。旧时的记忆一点一滴地清晰起来,黄皮本、113、冬天的温馨,还有…他16岁的生日。16岁…呵呵,大言不惭地和local classmates装成熟,或许是受伤太多了吧。小学的时候杏儿就一本正经地对我说,断掌的女孩子长大嫁不出去…我看哪,早就有征兆!情路不顺呗!算啦,反正都过去了。偶尔拾起来回忆,好像老太婆回忆年轻时候的故事一样,充满了感概…

Fang Fang on 8:02 am